Nearest webcam

- 02.03.2025 Weather station in Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia
- 02.03.2025 Weather station in Krasnodar, Krasnodar Territory, Russia
- 01.03.2025 Weather station in Chistyye Bory, Kostroma Region, Russia
- 01.03.2025 Weather station in Zakharyino, Ivanovo Region, Russia
- 01.03.2025 Weather station in Vladivostok, Primorye Territory, Russia >>
Public monitoring is:
- remote monitoring indoors and on the ground;
- displaying readings of sensors and webcams on the world map;
- public and private access to sensors and webcams;
- maintaining a photo archive of images from webcams;
- interactive graphs of readings per day, week, month, year;
- notifications about breakdown and going beyond;
- catalog of ready-made solutions for monitoring the environment;
- examples of budget solutions from Project participants;
- API for the development of monitoring devices;
- REST API for developers of apps, widgets, sites;
- catalog of apps for Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, MacOS.
We invite to cooperation:
- IT specialists (first of all QT/Android);
- moderators (control of the Rules and help to users);
- technical writers (publication of reviews, preparation of documentation);
- electronics developers (expansion of the catalog of devices);
- translators (interface localization) and icon designers;
- sponsors (where without them) for the further development of the Project.