werox, kini, andrey_mozyr, androidpasha, den48rus, kononenkoev, Naevus, anikin, rw4cju.ru, SVL, vk319771979, Vladik770, yuns.
#t air12 | #RH humidity13 | #atm.pressure5 | #P power1 | #A energy1 | #logical1 | #luminosity1 | #radiation2 | #U voltage2 | #I current2 | #concentration1 | #dustiness2
Model: AHT10 Interface: i2c Power supply: 1.8...3.6V Data type: t air Usage: indoor, outdoor Measuring range: -40...+85C Resolution: 0.01С Price: 1-2 USD Sensor life, years: 1-2 Datasheet: AHT10.pdf Remarks: A temperature and humidity sensor developed by the Chinese on their own sensor base. Apparently, there is an underestimation of the temperature. | |
Model: AM2302 Interface: Single-bus Power supply: 3.3...5.5V Data type: t air Usage: indoor Measuring range: -40...+80С Resolution: 0.1С Price: 2-3 USD Sensor life, years: < 1 Datasheet: AM2302.pdf Remarks: DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor. Newer, more accurate and more expensive than DHT11, but still not good enough to work "in the field". The temperature is measured correctly, low resolution. | |
Model: AM2320 Interface: i2c, single-bus Power supply: 3.1...5.5V Data type: t air Usage: indoor Measuring range: -40...+80С Resolution: 0.1С Price: 1-2 USD Sensor life, years: 3-5 Datasheet: AM2320.pdf Remarks: Further development of the AM2302/DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor with the i2c bus. The temperature is measured correctly, low resolution. | |
Model: BME280 Interface: i2c Power supply: 1.7...3.6V Data type: t air Usage: indoor Measuring range: -40...+85С Resolution: 0.01C Price: 9 USD Sensor life, years: 1-3 Datasheet: BME280.pdf Remarks: Temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure sensor. The temperature remains correct even in the event of a humidity malfunction. With frequent measurement, a small internal heating of the sensor at 1-2C is possible. | |
Model: BME680 Interface: i2c Power supply: 1.7...3.6V Data type: t air Usage: indoor Measuring range: -40...+85 Resolution: 0.01С Price: 14 USD Sensor life, years: 1-3 Datasheet: BME680.pdf Remarks: Temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure and air quality sensor. With frequent measurements, a small internal heating at 1-2C is possible. When measuring the air quality, it warms up to 200-400C, at this time it is impossible to measure other parameters. | |
Model: DHT11 Interface: Single-bus Power supply: 3.3...5.5V Data type: t air Usage: indoor Measuring range: 0...50С Resolution: 0.1С Price: < 1 USD Sensor life, years: < 1 Datasheet: DHT11.pdf Remarks: Cheap, outdated, short-lived, with the largest errors. | |
Model: DS18B20 Interface: 1-wire Power supply: 3.0...5.5V Data type: t air Usage: indoor, outdoor Measuring range: -55...+125C Resolution: 0.0625C Price: < 1 USD Sensor life, years: 5+ Datasheet: DS18B20.pdf Remarks: The cheapest, fairly accurate and trouble-free temperature sensor. When placed in a heat shrink, the junction becomes sealed and serves for a long time despite the rains and high humidity. | |
Model: HDC1080 Interface: i2c Power supply: 2.7...5.5V Data type: t air Usage: indoor, outdoor Measuring range: -40...+125С Resolution: 0.01С Price: 2 USD Sensor life, years: 1 Datasheet: HDC1080.pdf Remarks: Temperature and humidity sensor. There are no complaints about temperature measurement. High repeatability. Each sensor has its own serial number. | |
Model: HTU21D Interface: i2c Power supply: 1.5...3.6V Data type: t air Usage: indoor Measuring range: -40...+125С Resolution: 0.01С Price: 1 - 2 USD Sensor life, years: 1 Datasheet: HTU21D.pdf Remarks: Temperature and humidity sensor. There are no complaints about temperature measurement. The control commands are the same as for SHT21 and SI7021. Sensors HTU21D SI7021 and SHT21 are analogous and interchangeable. | |
Model: SHT20 Interface: i2c Power supply: 2.1...3.6V Data type: t air Usage: indoor, outdoor Measuring range: -40...+125С Resolution: 0.01С Price: 2 - 3 USD Sensor life, years: 1 Datasheet: SHT20.pdf Remarks: Temperature and humidity sensor. The Sensor readings are close to the reference and to the next series of sensors. Sensors HTU21D SI7021 and SHT21 are analogous and interchangeable. The predecessor series before SHT3X, the sensors are very similar to the next series, but are cheaper. Can work outdoors for quite a long time. | |
Model: SHT31 Interface: i2c Power supply: 2.2...5.5V Data type: t air Usage: indoor, outdoor Measuring range: -40...+125С Resolution: 0.01С Price: 2 - 3 USD Sensor life, years: 3+ Datasheet: SHT31.pdf Remarks: Temperature and humidity sensor. The readings between two sensors in the series can coincide with an accuracy of 0.05C (observed twice). The readings are close enough to the standards, while giving correct readings in all temperature and humidity ranges. "Survives" on the street under a heat shield or in a weather booth. | |
Model: SI7021 Interface: i2c Power supply: 1.9...3.6V Data type: t air Usage: indoor Measuring range: -40...+125С Resolution: 0.01С Price: 1.5 USD Sensor life, years: 1 Datasheet: SI7021.pdf Remarks: Temperature and humidity sensor. There are no complaints about temperature measurement. Control commands are used as for HTU21D and SI7021. Sensors HTU21D SI7021 and SHT21 are analogous and interchangeable. |