IoT Sensors Knowledge Base for the Internet of Things - Public Monitoring Project

My Sensors | How to transfer readings | Examples of IoT solutions | How to add a sensor to the map | How to add a webcam to the map
+ This section contains data on the most popular sensors in the Project based on feedback from Project members.
We ask You to take part in updating the knowledge base by answering questions about your sensors by the link:

+ We express our gratitude and provide bonuses for help in filling the knowledge base to the Project members:

werox, kini, andrey_mozyr, androidpasha, den48rus, kononenkoev, Naevus, anikin,, SVL, vk319771979, Vladik770, yuns.

#t air12 | #RH humidity13 | #atm.pressure5 | #P power1 | #A energy1 | #logical1 | #luminosity1 | #radiation2 | #U voltage2 | #I current2 | #concentration1 | #dustiness2

PMS5003Model: PMS5003
Interface: UART
Power supply: 4.5...5.5V
Data type: dustiness
Usage: indoor
Measuring range: 0...500 ug/m3
Resolution: 1 ug/m3
Price: 14 USD
Sensor life, years: 2+
Datasheet: PMS5003.pdf
Remarks: The sensor detects the concentration of particles of three sizes. Designed for indoor use. Because of this, under certain conditions, the street will show zero values. It is not recommended for outdoor use.
SDS011Model: SDS011
Interface: PWM, UART
Power supply: 4.7...5.3V
Data type: dustiness
Usage: indoor, outdoor
Measuring range: 0...999 ug/m3
Resolution: 0.1 ug/m3
Price: 18 USD
Sensor life, years: 1+
Datasheet: SDS011.pdf
Remarks: The Sensor allows you to determine the concentration of dust in the air, using the light scattering method. The Sensor is equipped with its own fan. To take readings on the street, you can connect the sensor output to the external environment with a tube. The measuring unit must be placed with the fan facing down. For long-term environmental monitoring, it is recommended to switch off between measurements for longer operation. The Sensor is considered the most stable according to users. Sometimes we noticed its freezes, treated with a reboot.